Meet Our Staff

Prof. Chen, Ching-Pu

Dean and Director of International Bachelor Program in Strategic Communication



  • Foster YZU comprehensive internationalization efforts
  • Establish departmental goals and design international program curricula
  • Enhance international program teaching effectiveness
  • Stimulate domestic and foreign instructor / student recruitment 
  • Advise students and offer program-related career guidance 
  • Bolster university-industry collaboration for internships and study abroad opportunities


Ph.D., Decision Sciences, Harvard University, U.S.A.

Professional Experience

  • 2022-    President, Chunghua Negotiation Management Association
  • 2014-         Yuan Ze University, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, Professor
  • 2015-         Grape King Bio LTD, Board of Director
  • 2017-2021 Yuan Ze University, Global Affairs Office, CGO
  • 2016-2017 Yuan Ze University, International and Cross-Strait Office, Director
  • 2009-2014 Yuan Ze University, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 2004-2009 Yuan Ze University, Department of Information Management, Associate Professor
  • 1999-2004 National Defense University, Institute of Defense Decision Sciences, Director

Research Area

  • Decision Sciences
  • Professional Ethics
  • Game and Negotiation
  • Policy Analysis
  • Defense Management
  • Crisis Management

  1. CHEN, Ching-Pu, and Chung-Mo LEE. (2020). “Defense Integrity and Citizen Participaton.” Journal of Policy and Personnel Management (11): 1-16.
  2. 陳勁甫 (2015)。〈美國退輔優待政策發展與理念對我國之啟示〉,《國家菁英》,11(11),3-24。
  3. CHEN, Ching-Pu, and C.T. LAI. (2014). “To blow or not to blow the whistle: the effects of potential harm, social pressure, and organisational commitment on whistleblowing intention and behaviour.” Business Ethics: A European Review 23(23): 327-342. (SSCI)
  4. CHEN, Ching-Pu, Chien-Fu CHIEN, and Chih-Tsung LAI. (2013). “Cluster Policies and Industry Development in Hsinchu Science Park: A Retrospective Review after 30 Year.” Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 15(4): 416-436. (SSCI)
  5. 陳勁甫 (2012)。〈影響募兵制政策成功之因素探討〉,方寬銘,《募兵制與國防安全》,頁82-101。台北:新台灣人文教基金會。
  6. 陳勁甫 (2011)。〈中華民國百年軍制發展—走向現代化〉,趙永茂,《中華民國發展史政治與法治(下)》,頁451-487。台北:聯經。
  1. 我國徵募制度變革之困難與對策之研究。( 計畫主持人;國防部資源司;2020/08/15-2021/02/15 )
  2. 替代役服勤效益之相關研究。( 計畫主持人;內政部役政署;2018/07/01-2019/03/31 )
  3. 兵役制度轉型對國軍無形戰力之影響研究。( 計畫主持人;國防部資源司;2015/01/09-2015/07/10 )
  1. 行政院研究傑出獎 委外研究特別獎
  2. 十大傑出青年