National Yang Ming University, Biomedical engineering, PhD
Professional Experience
YZU Department of Electrical Engineering (Group A) associate professor 2020/8 – present
YZU 生醫中心 deputy director 2019/8 – present
YZU Department of Electrical Engineering (Group A) assistant professor 2016/8 – 2020/7
Research Area
- Deep Learning
- Biomedical Image Processing
- Design and Application of Biomedical Instrumentation
- Automated Optical Inspection
- Computer Aid Diagnosis
1. Tai Yuan Su, Kerh Hwa Chen, Po Hsuan Liu, Ming Hong Wu, David O Chang, Po Fang Su, Shu Wen Chang*, and Huihua Kenny Chiang*, Noncontact detection of dry eye using a custom designed infrared thermal image system, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2011 (IF = 3.16, Rank 11%).
2. Tai Yuan Su, Shu Wen Chang*, Chiao Ju Yang, Huihua Kenny Chiang*, Direct observation and validation of fluorescein tear film break-up patterns by using a dual thermal-fluorescent imaging system, Biomedical Optics Express, 2014 (IF = 3.18, Rank 8%).
3. Tai Yuan Su, Wei Ting Ho, Chien Yi Lu, Shu Wen Chang*, and Huihua Kenny Chiang*, Correlations among ocular surface temperature difference value, the tear meniscus height, Schirmer’s test and fluorescein tear film break up time, British journal of ophthalmology, 2014 (IF = 2.72, Rank 15%).
4. Tai Yuan Su, Wei Ting Ho, Shu Wen Chang*, and Huihua Kenny Chiang*, Thermographic evaluation of tear film break-up time to study tear film stability, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015 (IF=2.63, Rank 7%).
5. Shu Wen Chang*, Tai Yuan Su, and Yao Lin Chen, Influence of Ocular Features and Incision Width on Surgically Induced Astigmatism After Cataract Surgery, Journal of Refractive Surgery, 2015 (IF = 3.47, Rank 10%).
6. Tai Yuan Su. Y., Ho, W. T., Chiang, S. C., Lu, C. Y., Chiang, H. K*., & Chang, S. W*. Infrared thermography in the evaluation of meibomian gland dysfunction. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2016.
7. Tai-Yuan Su*; Zi-Yuan LIU(研究生), Duan-Yu CHEN, Tear Film Break-up Time Measurement using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Screening Dry Eye Disease. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018 (IF = 2.61, Rank 22%).
8. Tai-Yuan Su*, Peng-Jen Ting, Shu-Wen Chang, Duan-Yu Chen, Superficial Punctate Keratitis Grading for Dry Eye Screening using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019 (IF = 2.61, Rank 22%).
9. You-Ren Ji, Shahin Homaeigohar, Yu-Hsin Wang, Chen Lin, Tai-Yuan Su, Ching-Chia Cheng, Shih-Hung Yang, Tai-Horng Young, Selective Regulation of Neurons, Glial Cells, and Neural Stem/Precursor Cells by Poly (allylguanidine)-Coated Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019 (IF = 8.456, Rank 9%)
10. Tai-Yuan Su, and Shu-Wen Chang*, Normalized Ocular Surface Temperature Models for Tear Film Characteristics and Dry Eye Disease Evaluation. Ocular surface, 2020(accepted), (IF = 9.108, Rank 3%)
11. Tse-Hua Tung; Si-Han Wang; Chun-Chung Huang; Tai-Yuan Su*; Chun-Min Lo*, Use of Discrete Wavelet Transform to Assess Impedance Fluctuations Obtained from Cellular Micromotion, Sensors, 2020, (IF=3.03, Rank 24%)
12.PC Wong, TE Fan, YL Lee, CY Lai, JL Wu, LH Chang, Tai-Yuan Su*; Detection and Identification of the Stages of DH5-Alpha Escherichia coli Biofilm Formation on Metal by Using an Artificial Intelligence System, Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (5), 1218-1225 (IF = 3.414)
13. Two-step approach using degradable magnesium to inhibit surface biofilm and subsequently kill planktonic bacteria; PC Wong, RY Wang, LS Lu, WR Wang, JSC Jang, JL Wu, Tai-Yuan Su, Biomedicines 9 (11), 1677 (IF = 6.081)
14.Nucleus near-infrared (nNIR) irradiation of single A549 cells induces DNA damage and activates EGFR leading to mitochondrial fissionLong-Sheng Lu, Tsung-Jen Wang, Yin-Ju Chen, Jeng-Fong Chiou, Tai-Yuan Su, Tzu-Sen Yang *, Cells (IF = 6.6)
1. Tai-yuan Su and Tsung-Yen Tsai. Tear Film Break-Up Detection Basis of YOLO Neural Network (International Conference on Advances In 9th International Conference On Advances In Computing, Control And Networking, 2019, Aug, London)
2. Tai Yuan Su, Kerh Hwa Chen, Po Hsuan Liu, Ming Hong Wu, David O. Chang, and Huihua Kenny Chiang*, Noncontact detection of dry eye using a custom designed IR thermal image system. (Proc. of SPIE, 2011, USA).
3. Tai Yuan Su, and Huihua Kenny Chiang*, The automatic tear film temperature measurement system with a thermography. (Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society, 2012, Japan)
4. Tai-Yuan Su, Shu-Wen Chang, Application of Tear Film Temperature Decline Ratio in Dry Eye Diagnosis. (Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, APAO, 2018, Feb, Hong Kong).
- 科技部, 瞼板腺功能障礙輔助診斷系統開發與研究(105-2218-E-155-013-) 2016/12/01~2018/02/28 (結案)
- 科技部 以深層類神經網路架構提升眼部疾病輔助診斷系統(107-2221-E-155-032-MY3)科技部2018/08/01~
2021/07/31 (三年期計畫結案, 2918,000) - 科技部, 深度學習應用於分析大腸桿菌生長樣態, (109-2813-C-155-015-E)2020/08/01~2021/07/31(結案)
- 科技部 深度學習應用於乾眼症臨床決策輔助診斷系統(110-2221-E-155-043-MY3) 科技部2021/08/01~
2024/07/31 (三年期計畫執行中2424,000) - 國科會,開發深度學習迴歸模型預測修復物色彩空間與選擇陶瓷瓷塊(111-2314-B-038-068-)2022/08/01~
2023/07/31(執行中、共同主持人940,000) - 國科會,建立粒線體生物標誌探討近紅外光及其光熱效應與癌症藥物對癌細胞粒線體動力學之影響(111-2221-E-038-009-)2022/08/01~
2023/07/31 (執行中、共同主持人982,000)
台灣發明專利:智慧型淚膜破裂判讀方法及其系統 (2020)
美國發明專利:Tear film break-up time measurement for screening dry eye disease by deep learning (2020)